Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wiki How Six Pack Abs Fitness TreadmillsDo It Better Or Do They

Have you considered your personal fitness? treadmills are a great way to increase your fitness and if you are fit then you will have a better life.

That is rather a bold statement you may think, but consider this, whatever you do in your life fitness and stamina play a very large part in it.

When I ask the question, "What's your favourite pastime?" I get a high percentage of one answer especially from the men, so is mine but my second favourite is golf. Golf is not a fast moving sport or a particularly strenuous one but if you are fit then you will play better and isn't that what you play for?

Whatever your hobby or profession being fit will make you better at it and that includes the number one hobby!

A treadmill allows you to improve your fitness in the comfort of your own home so you don't have to make time to go to the local gym and you don't have to shell out for expensive gym fees. Let's face it, how many people spend their hard earned money on a subscription to a fitness centre and then only go once in a blue moon if at all.

Having your own fitness treadmill means you can fit your training in when it suits you, does that mean you will do it more often or, dare we say it? regularly. Fitness training must be a regular thing or it will not do you any good, it could even do you harm.

When it comes to fitness a treadmill is an excellent investment and although a good quality treadmill will set you back a fairly hefty sum when you put it up against the gym fees it is not a hugely expensive item.

When you decide to purchase a fitness treadmill start with a plan in mind. First decide on what you can afford, it is pointless to look at a fitness treadmill costing a couple of thousand if your budget is half that.

Once your budget for the fitness treadmill is set you must think about where you will keep it. Fitness treadmills are quite large pieces of equipment so space must be found for it. If space is a concern then opt for a folding type, there are many brands that offer folding treadmills due to the upsurge in demand for them.

After these decisions have been made take the time to research what you can reasonably expect to get for your money. A cheap treadmill does not have to mean a low value one. Fitness treadmills are available from online stores at much lower prices than sporting goods stores or even high street retailers so hit the keyboard and let your fingers do the walking.

When looking at fitness treadmills decide on what you want from it, that is will you use it primarily for walking or running? if the answer is running then be sure to buy one with a large enough deck. A good running deck for the average person should be around 150 cm long. The rating of the motor is also important as a more powerful motor will last longer and should deliver a good constant speed without jerkiness. A motor rating of at least 2 Hp is the minimum I would consider.

Remember if you value your fitness a little spent now will pay you huge dividends in years to come so as Nike says "Just Do It."

Norman Stanley is a golf and fitness enthusiast with a passion for saving money. Discover Fitness Treadmills

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wiki how six pack abs: how to get a six pack abs

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Wiki How Six Pack Abs How To Boost Your Energy AND Lose A Dress Size In 14 days

Our World is pure energy - a pulsing, living, life force. Energy never dies. Never. It only gets transformed. YOU are energy: two kinds: there is the one - potential energy. That's what you have - potentially, meaning it's there but you're not doing much with it. It's like the teacher who says to the mother of the eight year old child, " Your child has potential - yes, I see it - but they're just not doing the work. To lose weight you have to first decide that you will do the work it takes to reach your desired goal. How can you translate the thought into doing? That's called kinetic energy. By taking action. Yoga, a 5000 year old form of exercise takes you to kinetic energy and guides you to the path of doing, of taking action.

Yoga also makes you think. When you think about something - that's potential - the actual doing puts your energy to work. Yoga guides you to see the potential of being your fittest self in mind, body and spirit. So what does that term mean- mind, body, spirit and how can yoga help you lose weight? First off, you must decide to lose the weight. Weight loss begins and ends in your mind. Yoga brings you a realization of your full potential of kinetic energy to motivate your mind to take the actions so vital to take charge of the health of your body. When your mind and body feel are positively in sync, your spirit feels energized and ready to take on the challenges of your busy life.

Your life affects your energy and your energy affects the mood of others around you. Someone with positive energy can make you feel emotionally happy and more willing to exercise. That's why some exercise teachers are better at motivating you than others. A good yoga teacher smiles, they're positive and uplifting and you mirror their energy. That's true. Just as true is when you have low energy perhaps from a sad day or a headache - that's a physical symptom. We need to be aware of where our energy is and how to use it constructively.

Here's a simple exercise - easy to do- that can put you in touch with your energy system. We call it developing your "second attention" - something that yoga has had 5000 years to develop.

Note what you see/do/feel when you wake in the morning. The very first thing. Perhaps that you look at the clock or look at your spouse - that's your visual energy - or hear the sound - that's your hearing energy - or touch by reaching out for your robe or the hand of your love - your feeling energy. Now, to develop your "second attention" try doing it another way - any of the ways which relate to your 5 senses. Do a different one touch/feel/sight/hear/smell each day. When you develop your second attention, you can apply this strategy to the foods you eat and this will lead you to practice "mindfullness" with foods and activities. Think about what you put into your mouth and ask yourself, "will this food get you the results you seek? What activities will give you the health and energy you deserve? Yoga is the perfect chisel to carve your mind, body,and spirit into the energetic, fit person God meant for you to be.

Wishing you healthiest blessings and the belief that you can attain them. I believe in you.

Suzanne Andrews, WCEU TV Healthy Lifestyles Fitness Expert, specializes in helping the plus size and over 40 population regain their health through DVD's that promote function and weight loss. She lost over 60 pounds herself using the techniques in her latest DVD, Yoga Chi for Energy. Click now to purchase on

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wiki how six pack abs: how to get a six pack abs

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